Before the BEST VASTU TIPS FOR HOME-2024, let’s know the Vastu. Vastu Shashtra is a science and an art as well. the Science that systematically connect human to the harmony of Nature, balance between all the 32 directions and sub directions, 5-Elements – Earth, Air, Space, Fire, water  and their masters, which emphasizes the radiation of  controlled positive energy. And eliminate negative energy within a habitable space to make it a  HAPPY HOME. 

It is an Art of space planning, balancing colors, ensure Proper orientation and placement of rooms, doors, and windows to enhanced well-being.


BEST VASTU TIPS FOR HOME-2024 Bless a home with Good vibrant, divine power, luck, attract money, good health, influence career and professional success, Enhance social status, encourage good relationships and family harmony.


  • THE FIVE ELEMENTS : The most Important key of Vastu is the concept  “The universe is made of 5 Elements Earth, Air, Space, Fire and Water” and similarly the living beings. And hence all these 5-Elements impact a dweller in its home. These five elements need to balance with their best places in the home to radiate a positive energies and good vibes.
The five elements
The five elements
    • EARTH  : Earth is made of transformed rocks and have great magnetic force to attract all other elements. It is responsible for  stability and patience. It dominates the center and diagonal directions in every corner.
    • WATER : Water is essential element of our life associated with health & immunity. It dominates the North.
    • FIRE      : Fire which represent the Sun, play an important role in our lives. Sun is source of energy, creation confidence, money, and success. It dominates the South.
    • AIR       : Life is impossible without air. Air element is responsible for  fun and happiness in life, it dominates the East.
    • SKY- SPACE : Sky denotes endless space, a vacuum and infinite. It represents cognitive energy & mental space. It is responsible for social energies. and it dominates west.



  • DIRECTION : Direction plays a crucial role, and it is believed that the orientation of a building or the placement of various elements within it can have a significant impact on the well-being and success of its occupants.

East, West, North, South , NE (Ishan), SE (Agney), NW (Vayavya)  and SW (Nairitya) are eight main Directions and corners. Every main directions further sub-divided into 4 parts. These all directions are responsible for different aspects of occupants.

Vastu tips
Vastu chakra

Whenever we Plan to construct or buy a new house, it should be take care of Plot Shape size and the direction of the road.

a) SOIL-Soil that is good for agriculture and cultivation will also be good for building construction. The soil yellowish in color considered                     as perfect for construction. Black and clay-like soil is hardly suitable for building construction for home.

      b) PLOT FACING-
    1. Northeast facing Plot is good  for homes, factories, and offices.
    2. Northwest facing Plot is ideal for trading, business, and industrial sites.
    3. Southeast facing Plot is good for chemical, petro-chemical, and electricity related industries.
    4. Southwest facing  plot can bring good business for night time activities.
    5. Plots facing a road in more than one direction can also be significant in vastu principles.
    6. Land facing the West road brings fame and popularity.
    7. Land facing a South road is ideal for business ventures.
    8. Plots facing West and North roads are considered as prosperous lands.
    9. Plots facing roads on three sides, one side of which leads to a road end or facing a T-junction are considered as not ideal or weak plots.
    10. The best plot of all is the lot facing roads on all sides.
    11. Plots facing two-side roads :          
        • Plots facing North and East roads are good for overall prosperity.
        • Plots facing East and South roads foretell prosperity for female residents.
        • Plots facing South and West roads as well as those facing North and South roads will provide moderate fortune.
    c) PLOT SHAPE-
      • Plot should be perfect rectangular shape, the Length and width ratio should be 1:2.
      • If  Plot North-east Corner is extended will be a good option in case of irregular shape.
      • Singhmukhi Plots are god option where front part is wider compared to the rear part.
      • Gaumukhi Plots are also the favorable option where front part is narrower compared to the rear part where the plot is wider.
      • Square plots are ideal for house construction because there is concentration of energy in these types of lots.



  • Main Gate (Building Entry )-
    • In East facing Plot Building entry Gate can be Provided in North-East, East (E3,E4).
    • While west Facing Building Entry can be provided in W3, W4 and W5.
  • Entrance Foyer-

           When some one enter in your home he/she carry both good and bad energy with them. They mustn’t enter                     straight into your home. 

    • Entrance foyer restrict direct entry of the unknown energy.
    • Entrance foyer should create A turn before main entry door to reduce the intensity of the unknown energy.
    • The Front wall of Entrance foyer can be decorated to absorb the energy and give pleasant look to guest.
    • Entrance Foyer can be provided with good console table and mirror.
  • Main Door-
    • Main door should be constructed in a way to ensure that when you step out, you face the north, east or north-east direction.
    • Main door should be Highest and widest Door In the Building, its design should be most appealing.
    • Main door should made with high quality of Wood.
    • No bathroom should be near main door.
    • Main door Should open Clock wise.
    • Black Color should be voided on main door.
    • Main door should be well lit.
  • Pooja Room-

    A Pooja room is one of the most important and auspicious places in any house. It is a place from where energies spread throughout the home. .The most auspicious direction and place for the Pooja room is the north-east.

    • If north-east placement is not feasible, it can be set up in the east or the west side of the home.
    • It will good if it is near entrance area and connected to common area.
    • Mandir can be open type if provided in Common Area but design should ensure the proper cover after pooja.
    • No toilet should be attached to pooja room.
    • No Foot-fall should allowed above the mandir roof.
  • Drawing/ Living Area-
    • Drawing area is welcome area of our guest and interact, it is a show case of our status and the place of social relation social
    • It should be in North-West (Vayavya) east or north direction.
    • Guests must be seated opposite to the host
  • Dinning Area-

    Dinning Area is an important area in home. This is the point of energy and health of the occupants.

    • It should be in west zone, Southeast, Northwest, or Northeast corner of the house.
    • Dining Room at the West side of the building encourage profitability.
    • Dining Room should be near or attached to the kitchen.
    • Use of Mirror in dinning area increase wealth.
  • Kitchen- 
    • The kitchen must be built in the southeast. North-West is an option.
    • Kitchen should not be in North, northeast or southwest of the home.
    • The person cooking in the kitchen must facing the east direction while cooking.
    • For wash basins, water pipes and the kitchen drain, the north or the north-east direction is suitable.
    • kitchen store should be in the south-west direction
    • Refrigerator should be kept in the south-west direction.
    • Avoid any toilet attached to kitchen.


  • Toilet- While planning toilet in home outmost attention is required, as toilet attract negative energy. A well planned and vastu compliant   toilet can save occupant from any negativity. While a wrongly planned toilet can create imbalance in five elements and caused loss.
    • Toilet should never be plan in North-East direction.
    • Avoid planning a toilet in South-West corner.
    • When Using toilet, Face should not be in East or West. It is best if face is in north. South facing can be an option.
    • Toilet should never be planned under the staircase.
    • Toilet should not attached with Mandir and Kitchen.
    • Avoid to provide toilet near entrance.
    • Bed should not be reclined with toilet wall.
    • Toilet must be provided wih good ventilation, proper window to release foul smell and negative energies.
    • Window in toilet should be open outward. It will be better if window provided in east, North or West.


  • Court Yard
    • Courtyard is the epicenter of positive flow of energy, it must be always kept clean and clutter free.
  • Staircase-
    • Staircase should be in South west Direction. it is the area which transfer the energy , Stair should be clockwise, tread and riser should be in odd number, tread-10″-12” and riser  6″-7”. When step up, face should be in south or west direction. When land on a floor face should be in north or east direction. Proper width and  stair well is a best option for air circulation.
    • No Toilet or store Should be provided under the stairs.



  • Master Bed room- Master Bed Room is one of the most important space in home. The Master of the house live in and handle all the even and odds. Master bed room should be most luxurious space in building.
    • Master Bed room should be plan in South-West Direction. As south-west is the direction of stability, strength and prosperity.
    • Bed placement in south or west is a good option.
    • Avoid to provide opening opposite to bed.
    • Bed should not attached to  the sharing wall of toilet.
  • Kids Bed room-
    • A Kids room direction should be northeast direction because this direction is related to intelligence, strength and power.
    • Kids Room can be located in the west direction of the house.
    • Kids should sleep with their head in the east or south direction for a relaxing and peaceful sleep.
    • The location of a child bedroom in south-west is also considered fortunate, as per Vastu.
    • Study table should be in such direction that they should face North or East direction.


  • Study Room-

Study Room is used for study or doing Professional work.

    • The Northeast of the home is the best place for a study room.
    • Other perfect directions for a study room are either west of the southwest or northwest. These directions help build focus and improve concentration.
    • When study make sure that you’re facing East or North.
  • Store Room-
    • Store Room can be provided in any direction except the northeast corner.
  • Under Ground Water Tank, Swimming Pool-

Water denotes a positive flow of cash, bank balances, and good credit for the residents, Water bodies and thier flow must be well                     planned.

    • Under Ground Water Tank Should Be In North-East, North of NE or  East Direction.
    • It’s Better if these are constructed outside the home.
    •  The flow of the swimming pool or water item should begin from the Northeast side going to the East side or from the Northeast side going to the North side.
    • . If the swimming  pool is located at the North side the slope inside a swimming pool should begin from the West to the East.
    • If the pool is located on the East side of the property, the slope in the swimming pool should start from the South to the North.
  • Over Head Water Tank-
    • It can be in South-West Direction, If Mumty provided in same direction, the placement above SW mumty is the best option.
    • It is better to provide separate Water tank for toilet.




Q. What is the vastu for good luck ?

A. BEST VASTU TIPS FOR HOME-2024 provided all the tips for good luck.

Q. What is the Best direction for Main Entrance ?

A. North-East and east are the best direction for Entrance.

Q.  Whta is the best direction for Kitchen?

A. South-East the Best direction for Kitchen. North-West Can be an option.

Q. Is it good to provide Toilet under Staircase?

A. No! Toilet should never be provided under the staircase.

Q. What is the best place of Master bedroom?

A. Master bedroom should be provided in South west direction.

Q. What is the best place for kids room?

A. best place for kids room is North-east.


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VASTU TIPS FOR TOILET Toilets and sanitation practices have been present since ancient times. Modular Kitchen Sink Modern Architectural Buildings in India
Toilets and sanitation practices have been present since ancient times. VASTU TIPS FOR TOILET Modular Kitchen Sink Modern Architectural Buildings in India